Inspired after attending the Women’s Congress for Future Generations in Moab, Utah last September, Randa Solick, Mathilde Rand, Jean Hays, and Nancy Price, all from California, have launched the Earth Democracy California Tour to bring the concept of Guardianship for Future Generations and Rights and Responsibilities of Present Generations to the California WILPF Branches. Guardianship for Future Generations is the framing principle we are using to bring the work of Earth Democracy’s four sub-committees together.
In March, we expect to hear report backs from Jackie Cabasso and other US WILPFers who attended the March 2 and 3 Oslo meetings on nuclear weapons abolition and also the UN conference for governments and civil society representatives on Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear War.
On Monday, February 11, the "We the People" amendment was introduced in Congress, thanks to the efforts of US Representatives Rick Nolan (D-MN) and Mark Pocan (D-WI).
Friends in WILPF and other organizations, we invite you and your colleagues to consider participating in a campaign to challenge US development and use of “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” more commonly known as drones, for military and surveillance purposes.
Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima: We Need Our Nuclear Free Future Now! March 11 is the second anniversary of the initial Fukushima disaster. The tragedy continues. The disaster is not done.
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has conveyed the International Peace Bureau's nomination of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom for a Nobel Peace Prize 2013!
March 8, 5 p.m.: Celebrate International Women's Day with Madeleine Rees, WILPF Secretary General, former Head of the Women's Rights Unit of OHCHR and the attorney who challenged private military contractors for perpetrating human trafficking in Bosnia.
WILPF U.S. has been busier than ever. Sisters (and brothers) joined across the nation to carry out a vision of a transformed world at peace, where there is racial, social, and economic justice for all people everywhere.
In February, the WILPF DISARM/End War Issue Committee is launching our 2013 Campaign for a Nuclear Weapons Abolition Treaty. We will work closely with Reaching Critical Will to end our nation’s Faustian bargain.
You can be a significant part of building WILPF US as a dynamic organization! The ad hoc Bylaws Committee, having successfully completed the projects of its first 18 months of functioning, is seeking a few additional new members.