Upcoming Conference Call on Racial Justice, Human Rights, and Reproductive Justice

Inaugural meeting will be February 22, 2018, at 5 pm pacific, 7 pm central, 8 pm eastern.

By Barbara L Nielsen, co-chair, Advancing Human Rights Issues Committee

Thanks to everyone who participated in our umbrella human rights and our racial justice workshops at the Chicago Congress! All members for whom we have emails from the Program, Branches, AHR and BBC listservs, or from the Chicago Congress, will be receiving notice of this organizational meeting. And thanks to everyone who has been doing local and global work on these issues in our communities.

We are moving forward in 2018 with an organizational meeting of everyone for whom we have an email address already and are asking every member who may not be sure of whether we have an email address for you to let us know so we can add you to our list. Courteney Leoninen has stepped forward to work in a leadership capacity, and we are also hoping that others among our membership will get involved.

If you have interests and passions in racial justice, human rights, reproductive rights, and the intersectionalities between these issues, and you have capacity and willingness to engage in activism within WILPF-US on the national level as well as in (likely existing) community-based actions: We’d love to have you on our calls, so we can learn and grow in our activism together!

For further info contact Barbara Nielsen bln.sf.ca@gmail.com


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